Wife laced anniversary meal with anti-freeze
LONDON, England (CNN) -- A British homemaker has been found guilty of trying to kill her husband by lacing their wedding anniversary meal with anti-freeze.
Kate Knight, 28, formerly from Meir, Stoke-on-Trent in central England, was found guilty at Stafford Crown Court Tuesday of spiking her husband Lee's curry and red wine in 2005, causing him brain damage and kidney failure.
The prosecution claimed Mrs Knight decided to murder her husband after falling into debt from loans she had arranged without telling him. It claimed she hoped to cash in a payout from his employer on Mr Knight's death.
Sarah Johnson, a neighbor, told the court that Mrs Knight had discussed planning to poison her husband -- and had even asked her neighbor to smell anti-freeze she had put in wine.
Johnson added: "She said she was going to poison his curry that she was cooking that night. She had done it the previous night and he had complained about the tinny taste in his mouth," in comments reported by the UK's Press Association.
Later police told the court that they had found a bottle of anti-freeze in Knight's home, as well as documents relating to her financial problems. The court also heard that Mrs Knight had searched Web sites on tips about how to kill her husband.
William Davis, for the prosecution, told the court that Mr Knight was fortunate to survive. "He is still deaf and blind and his kidneys are damaged irreparably," he said in comments reported by PA. "He could well have died."
In her defense, Knight said she believed her husband's failing health was due to his penchant for alcohol, claiming that he drank at least four liters of super strength lager per day as well as other drinks.
Two expert witnesses, who gave evidence on Mrs Knight's behalf, also claimed that the damage to her husband was unlikely to be caused by the anti-freeze.
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Envenenamiento por chongos zamoranos echados a perder... con la cantidad de azucar de los mentados chongos no se nota el estado de descomposición y pueden ser mortales.
La forma más sencilla es haciendo un agujero en la lata con un clavo, un martillo y un chingo de paciencia para dejar que los chongos se transformen de postre típico en arma letal...
Lástima que la doña no vive en México y que no conoce los chongos zamoranos...
Ya no sé si el pinche abogado de la defensa está loco, drogado o pendejo... el hombre quedó SORDO, CIEGO, CON DAÑO CEREBRAL Y EL HIGADO AFECTADO PERMANENTEMENTE... pero es afortunado de no haberse muerto.
Que do babe...
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